Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Mary Loud Harding Trophy

The Mary Loud Harding Trophy

Everyone needs a trophy, for one it’s cheaper than betting money. When it comes down to straight facts everyone knows the house always win; unless you are the house it would be better for you not to bet.  If famous athletes can lose their entire lifetime earnings in the tens of millions to gambling, then any person no matter how much professional poker on TV they watch.  Can get in over their head and lose everything they have worked for.  Especially if the bet happens to be between people outside of the casino setting, someone is going to lose everything. If you’re betting another person outside of the casino, at best you’ll win a couple of times.  The most likely scenario is a losing scenario.  Just like mob movies and TV shows, they spot you a little bit of cash or credit.  By the end the lendee always ends up mortgaging their watch, car, electronics, and their own house.  Similar to what a crack head would do for a fix, except this is so you can keep your legs in working order.
Fact: If a person has to mortgage any possession to pay for anything other then care for their child, that person is an addict and needs an intervention or a lucky streak playing the lotto.  If that anything falls under gambling and that person doesn’t have a large income they should plan all vacations away from Las Vegas, or Native American casinos because they are going to lose.  That scenario isn’t most people because gambling is illegal in most places in the United States.  Most people just bet their friends small wagers that don’t have over/under, points or margins, like Vegas.  Just W’s and the L’s are the only columns that matter.
It used be epic bets on a topic of disagreement or sporting events until internet phones came out with online encyclopedias that seemingly solved all disagreements in 5 minutes.  Now must wagers revolve around televised sporting events and start with small things like a beer, but quickly escalate with the consumption of more alcohol. Starts with a dollar, escalates to a beer, progresses to well shots, then premium shots, then stupid things like kegs.  It takes a while to realize how counter productive this process is after the continued rising repetition and cost due to owing each other shots when you should be drinking penny pints at Bash Riprock’s. It’s fun, but expensive, hard to keep tabulations, and there is just no glory. 
            After four keg deep in a bet you realize that no one really acknowledges the win until weeks afterwards at a keg party, or the people you tell through postings on your social media sites.  If you have real responsibilities to pay for like car notes, house notes, electric bills, gas bills, kid(s) or are worried about losing money are buying shots of Ketel One and Jagermeister to make up for your loss(es). Get a trophy, from a trophy shop name it and create a series of rules for acquiring the trophy and keeping the rights to it.  It is not to be designed to resemble a little league trophy that even the last place team gets, because everyone is a winner (If they pay their required fees.)  This is a trophy that the winner can hoist up high so everyone in the vicinity can see it especially the loser.  The trophy is an award that the winner would be glad to temporarily call their very own or more correctly a winner that the award would be acknowledged to.   
The cup is similar to the Stanley cup; in reverence not actual physical size.  Prestigious is the word, because not everyone is eligible…hopefully it kind of defeats the purpose.    The cup is not recommended to be some final championship trophy for a fantasy sports league.  It can be used for a variety of things; one of the most of the efficient uses is a beer mug.  Others include using it as a prize for drinking games (Flip Cup, Beer Pong, Quarters etc) where more than just pride is at stake.  The game of the week regardless of the sport is a perfectly viable option no technicalities just Win or lose.
The Jessica Harding Trophy is a prestigious trophy established in the early current century.   In the summer of 2010 in a West Texas large town located in the south plains    A trophy was uncovered that traces back to something something blurry 8 originating from a pioneer of the championship trophy (Something indecipherable) Harding.  With a set of directions:
He who finds this trophy is deemed honorable custodian of the Mary Loud Harding Trophy.  Harding being the initial champion of this trophy forged from the fires of mount Olympus and forever to remain the surname name sake of the trophy.  The first name is to be a females name there after.  For a trophy wife as defined urban dictionary “Is a wife married solely for her looks, so that you can show her off as a trophy to friends, and coworkers” The Mary Loud Harding Trophy (MLHT) belongs to know one, she is a visual display of what a winner is while keeping in mind the power she holds by her ability to magically fill up with a shot or a beer at the bequest of the current victor.  A History of her records is to be kept as per her constitution in some fashion that records it for dexterity purposes and future generations.  The records are to include the victors first and last name. The current victors name to be put after the the former champions and to be followed by the future champions initials. Their can be only one champion, but their can be more than one challenger per challenge.  The MLHT must be defended at least once a week or it loses all beer power.   

The _______________  Harding Trophy|

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